A registered trademark with the USPTO has the potential to remain in effect indefinitely. Renewal dates are essential to remember in order to maintain your registered trademark. Missing these renewal dates will result trademark cancellation. This post discusses the renewal timeline and what must be filed.
Due 5 years from the date of initial registration.
Your first trademark maintenance and renewal action will be to file a statement of continued use during the fifth year of your ownership of the mark.
This filing is a binding statement that your mark is in active use and must include a trademark specimen as evidence of that use in commerce. The specimen may be same that was filed with the original application, so long as that specimen is still in use.
Your first renewal filing will also include other necessary information about the trademark owner, as well as the applicable USPTO fee.
Due nine years from the date of initial registration.
This second filing represents your first full U.S. trademark renewal. This renewal again requires filing a statement of continued use along with evidence of that use in commerce. The second renewal filing will extend the registration of your trademark an additional ten years.
This renewal is due over the course of the ninth year of ownership – meaning that it should be filed between the ninth and tenth anniversary of your date of registration.
Due every ten years thereafter.
Registered trademarks have the potential to live on indefinitely. This requires continued use of the trademark in commerce and continuing to file renewal paperwork every ten years. Every renewal filing will continue to require statements and proof of continued use.
Properly renewing your registered trademark is a key component to maintaining your trademark. Toporek Law provides trademark renewal services at a flat fee. Contact Alex to if you have any questions about the post or want to get started on renewing your trademark.
602 Rutledge Avenue
Charleston, SC 29403
602 Rutledge Avenue
Charleston, SC 29403
(843) 701-1717
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Small Business Trademark registration guide